These publications were a result of the project:
- The citizen science project “AmphiBiom”: a quest to mitigate habitat loss for the European green toad. Burgstaller S, Siebert J, Krall MM, Kornilev YV, Spießberger M, Hamernik D, Kremser J, Ofenböck T, Zaller JG, Schweiger S, Graf W, Dörler D, Heigl F, Landler L (2024) ARPHA Proceedings 6: 43-47. [open access]
- The Citizen Science project „AmphiBiom – habitat for the European green toad and Co“: Small ponds for pioneers. Landler L, Siebert J, Burgstaller S, Spießberger M, Ofenböck T, Zaller J, Schweiger S, Dörler D, Heigl F, Graf W (2024). Acta ZooBot Austria 160: 230-231. (Abstract from Conference "Tage der Biodiversität – gemeinsam aus der Biodiversitätskrise", 8.-10. November 2023, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)
- An easily customizable approach for automated species-specific detection of anuran calls using the European green toad as an example. Landler L, Kornilev YV, Burgstaller S, Siebert J, Krall M, Spießberger M, Dörler D, Heigl F. (2024) Information 15: 610. [open access]